im the beginning of the vid i look like a robot trying to tune myself up.haha uhhh.. i dunno why i did this , i havmt heard it in awhile.. Author: cxvillan Duration: 3:36
I love this song and so I wanted to sing it without any background-music. The quality is not very good, and I actually get lost in the lyrics one or two times. I apologize for that and hope that you will still listen to it and enjoy it :) Happy holidays! Author: diamonden69 Duration: 3:55
Photos for video Me singing 'Somebody' by Depeche Mode
This is a mix of in a matter of speaking, please look at the video, for all of you that know, I pretty much just make Dave Gahan videos but I decided to give Martin a tribute because he's a wonderful person and song writer and please watch the video to the end, the song just rocks! Author: asuperdolls Duration: 6:07
Photos for video Martin L. Gore Tribute (DM) - In a matter of speaking/mix
I pretty much put some images that I haven't really seen of DM/DAVIE, i've seen some but not all of them before, so I thought of putting them together with the song Miracles, hope you enjoy the images thanks, leave comment :) or subscribe. Author: asuperdolls Duration: 4:38
This video is about the all four trait positive girls we know of, focusing on Emma, the last. All Footage taken from the Lonelygirl15 series. Music: Blasphemous Rumours - Depeche mode Escape the Nest - Editors Watch over me - Bernard Fanning and some was taken from the LG15 series. This is just a fan video. I don't own any of it. Sorry about the weirdness in the sound sometimes. I'm working on fixing it. (well... trying) Thanks for watching x UPDATE: This video was made prior to the whole 'Gina being alive' discovery. It relates to the plot up to Dec 2nd. Author: sunfollow Duration: 4:22