Piano cover of one of the few Depeche-Mode-Songs in major. ;) I recorded with the MXL990 condenser microphone and added a little reverb. The camera I used is the Logitech HD Webcam C510. Music & Lyrics : Martin L. Gore, 1984 Enjoy! Author: famheuler Duration: 3:34
Photos for video Me playing and singing "Somebody" [Depeche Mode]
Мой кавер на одну из моих любимейших песен Депешей(хотя у меня они все любимые). Да-да, я пою, что я "счастливый мужик", но что поделать xD Нравится песня очень, вот и спела. Надеюсь, любителям ДМ понравится. Инструменталку скачала с сайта очень хорошего человека(я так думаю) Рафа raphmode.net Ну а права на "Голубое платье", естессно принадлежат только Depeche Mode. =============================== My cover. You can download the instrumental which was used in the video on this site raphmode.net Author: KimikoKatana Duration: 4:04
Photos for video Depeche Mode's Blue Dress cover by me:)
Depeche Dark Mode presents: Depeche Mode Off The Record Live at Chichester, West Sussex, UK 03-12-1981 [Speak & Spell] Author: DughiPlace2 Duration: 3:03
Photos for video Depeche Mode - Boys Say Go! Live at Chichester, West Sussex, UK 03-12-1981 (part7)
This one's for Deach. I didn't know this song until he requested it, but it is such a beautiful song, I hope I can do it justice. Thank you Deach for being the awesome person that you are. I hope you like it. Tabs available - please send me a private message with your email address and I'll send them to you. Thanks to everyone at Ukulele Underground for all the lessons, support and tips. www.ukuleleunderground.com Author: fourteentwelve Duration: 2:09
Photos for video Somebody - Depeche Mode (Ukulele cover)