Depeche Mode Karaoke DISCLAIMER : "No copyright infringement intended. The lyrics and music belongs to its rightful musicians and owners. This video is for entertainment purpose only." Author: zteg2010 Duration: 2:58
Photos for video Boys Say Go Depeche Mode (Karaoke)
Depeche Mode at Top of the Pops on November 4th 1984 - Blasphemous Rumours "Blasphemous Rumours"/"Somebody" is Depeche Mode's twelfth UK single and first double A-side single, released on 29 October, 1984. Both A-side songs are from the album Some Great Reward. "Somebody" is the first single with Martin Gore as lead vocals, one of only three. Author: dysmullet Duration: 4:26
Photos for video Depeche Mode - Blasphemous Rumours (Live at Top of the Pops, 1984)