I want Somebody to share Share the rest of my life Share my innermost thoughts Know my intimate details... Original Music and Lyrics by Depeche Mode Guitar by Vianey Vocals by Vianey Photography of Maui by Vianey Author: vminjarez Duration: 2:37
Instrumental track by raphmode This is my humble attempt at this great track from Violator. Comments and costructive criticism are always welcome and appreciated. Author: saradressedinblack Duration: 3:05
This video is about the all four trait positive girls we know of, focusing on Emma, the last. All Footage taken from the Lonelygirl15 series. www.lg15.com Music: Blasphemous Rumours - Depeche mode Escape the Nest - Editors Watch over me - Bernard Fanning and some was taken from the LG15 series. This is just a fan video. I don't own any of it. Sorry about the weirdness in the sound sometimes. I'm working on fixing it. (well... trying) Thanks for watching x UPDATE: This video was made prior to the whole 'Gina being alive' discovery. It relates to the plot up to Dec 2nd. Author: sunfollow Duration: 4:22