this song is dedicated to my dad i miss him very much he will always be in my heart & i love him i also give credit to the song & Depeche Mode i accually love his work :3 Author: OUTLAWS9000 Duration: 4:14
Photos for video Depeche Mode - Somebody sang by me
0.08 "Pioneer PLC-590" Preamp- "Pioneer SPEC1". Amplifier- "Pioneer" "SPEC4". Cartridge- "Audio-technica" "AT 120E". Speakers- "Decware" "RL 3.0". Camera- Canon 5d Mk II. Lens- "Pentax 24mm" ALL RIGHTS GO TO THE ARTIST. Support them and buy their music. Buy it on vinyl! Rock on. Author: Drew V Duration: 6:42
Yes I am a Loki fangirl (both comics and mythology). So I'm here to spread the love of the wonderful complexity imbued upon him by Tom Hiddleston's performance. Enjoy!! Author: Allure75 Duration: 4:55