this song is dedicated to my dad i miss him very much he will always be in my heart & i love him i also give credit to the song & Depeche Mode i accually love his work :3 Author: OUTLAWS9000 Duration: 4:14
Photos for video Depeche Mode - Somebody sang by me
Hannatomique Ninja prod.Video dedicato al piu' grande esperimento scentifico della storia della terra dopo la scoperta dell'atomo,la scomposizione e l'interagire con il nostro cervello tramite la psinapsi. Dedicato al Prof. Joe Cassano RIP Author: ladykey2see Duration: 1:58
A cover of another favourite song "Somebody" by Depeche Mode. Totally reminds me of the old days, but the lyrics really are beautiful. I always wanted to do an acoustic cover of this, and with Antonio Sosa, we were able to do one. Hope you enjoy it and please feel free to leave your feedback. Cheers! Author: helenecortez Duration: 2:52