0.08 "Pioneer PLC-590" Preamp- "Pioneer SPEC1". Amplifier- "Pioneer" "SPEC4". Cartridge- "Audio-technica" "AT 120E". Speakers- "Decware" "RL 3.0". Camera- Canon 5d Mk II. Lens- "Pentax 24mm" ALL RIGHTS GO TO THE ARTIST. Support them and buy their music. Buy it on vinyl! Rock on. Author: Drew V Duration: 6:42
Martin L. Gore singing Somebody (2/3 of it recorded). And no, i didnt pan down at his package near the end, my arms were getting tired from holding the damn camera LOL Author: xrayman75 Duration: 3:09
Photos for video Depeche Mode clip #2-Tampa 09-04-2009 SOMEBODY
Esther Williams and Sebastien Leger. They get very "wet" each other, enjoy it!! :O) Video: "Million Dollar Mermaid" (1952) Audio: Dave Gahan "Deeper and Deeper" (Sebastien Leger Dub) (Willing to remove this video in case of any copyright violation) Author: dynomatik Duration: 6:46
Photos for video Esther Williams meets Sebastien Leger