@ The Slidebar, Fullerton CA 05/24/2011. Andy Singer is "Dave's Gone", Denny Rambo is "Doc Martin" and Jake Jordan is "The Wilder Fletch". Blasphemous Rumours is a live tribute to Depeche Mode. For more info, upcoming shows or to follow us on Facebook or other social media, visit www.depechemodetribute.com. Author: BlasphemousRumoursDM Duration: 4:43
Photos for video Never Let Me Down Again live by Blasphemous Rumours
From their 2005 Music Album "Nightbird" and single "Breathe".This version is non-official and doesn't appear in any UK or USA CD edition. Author: mixtercarl Duration: 3:26
Photos for video Erasure "Breathe" (In Contact Dedicated to Rain Video Remix) 2005
www.actitud50.com Depeche Mode Live in Madrid - Palacio de los Deportes (16-11-09) Tour Of The Universe "Walking In My Shoes" Depeche Mode es un grupo brit Author: ACtitud50TV Duration: 6:22
Photos for video DEPECHE MODE - Walking In My Shoes (Live in Madrid)