...at the age of 13 Depeche Mode was my favorite band, it's now more than twenty years ago but I still like this ballad by DM, and many of their other songs too...it's just a great band which has its original style and sound full of darkness and spirituality... Author: soymartino Duration: 3:22
Photos for video SOMEBODY (Depeche Mode) - fingerstyle arrangement by soYmartino
The first music video off of the debut Human Brother album "Vision Days on the Life Ride" released in 2010. Please visit www.jdshultz.com for my art, and http for my music. Like on facebook here@ www.facebook.com and follow@ twitter here twitter.com or buy on Itunes here Itunes.com Author: JD Shultz Duration: 4:07
Best audio quality version available at: ricardodilagoneutralstate.bandcamp.com My second mix of I Feel Loved and i think it turned out pretty good. 10 years after the samples were released, hence the title: BetterLateThanNever-mix) Lot's of weird effects and stuttering!!! check it out! Again made in Ableton Live 8 and added my own drums and synths and effects. Author: RicardoDiLago Duration: 6:08
Photos for video Depeche Mode - I Feel Loved (BttrL8ThnNvr-Mix) By Ricardo Di Lago