If you ever hear anyone say that the 80's was a horrible decade in music, you officially have my permission to slap them like the uneducated bitch that they are. Whether you're looking at goth, alternative, metal, rock, or whatever, some of the best music you're ever going to find came straight from the decade the idiotic masses label as being "all about big hair and spandex and stuff". If they only knew where their precious radio bands would be if it hadn't been for the dark sounds of Bauhaus, the eclectic mind of Nick Cave, the make-your-ass-get-up-and-dance jams off the classic Solid Gold album from Gang of Four, or the ever melodic and polysyllabic Bad Religion. So, here especially for you is a list of the ten best alternative rock songs of the 80's, any of which would be a contender for top ten alt rock songs of all time regardless of decade. For some of you, this will amount to simply nodding your head ten times in roughly 30 second intervals. For others, this can be used as a list to be remembered when you're thinking of bands you want to say you like in order to look cool when talking to people that know more about music than you do. If you're tired of watching top ten lists made by dumbass little children that don't know shit, go on and subscribe - Frankie 1337's Top Ten is sure to cover all kinds of different things, from music to movies to games to brands of hotsauce. I can't say how often they'll be coming since my computer's about to fucking croak, but I'll <b>...</b> Author: Frankie1337sTopTen Duration: 6:24
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