Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Depeche Mode Sun and the Rainfall

Depeche Mode Sun and the RainfallBaby Bam Bam Bumkin sings the Sun and the Rainfall by Depeche Mode.
Author: babybambambumkin
Duration: 1:52

Photos for video
Depeche Mode Sun and the Rainfall
Video Depeche Mode Sun and the Rainfall Depeche Mode Sun and the Rainfall Depeche Mode Sun and the Rainfall

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Dave Gahan - Deeper and Deeper Dedicated to Modeberry :D

Dave Gahan - Deeper and Deeper Dedicated to Modeberry :DIn this video I put a lot of different video clips of the one and only Dave and this is a dedication video for Noey "Modeberry", I hope you like it "finger crossed" :D DM/Dave fans please comment, rate or subscribe, Thank you.
Author: asuperdolls
Duration: 4:34

Photos for video
Dave Gahan - Deeper and Deeper Dedicated to Modeberry :D
Video Dave Gahan - Deeper and Deeper Dedicated to Modeberry :D Dave Gahan - Deeper and Deeper Dedicated to Modeberry :D Dave Gahan - Deeper and Deeper Dedicated to Modeberry :D